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How to Give a Gift They'll Like      
  dating guides · gifts · guide

   It might be hard tobelieve, but for some, the giving is the best part. But how do you make sure you give a gift they like?Don't get overwhelmed, just follow our easy steps to give the perfect gift and keep it from ending upin the back of the closet, or even worse, re-gifted next year!

Research their interests
Something so easy you think would be a given, but unfortunately it's not. So here's the deal. Takesome time to find out what the recipient is into and go with that. We'd much rather get no gift atall then one we have to feign liking. Listen to the hints they drop, because we all drop hints aroundthe holidays, or ask a best friend. If you're not around to hear them babble or usually just tune themout, then you're not going to have picked up on the hints. A best friend knows everything. Enough said.

Plan Ahead
If you think about it, you have a whole year to find this person something they will like. Be on thelookout and don't wait until the last minute. Nobody wants something you picked up at 7-11 on the wayover for Christmas dinner. The best rule of thumb is start shopping at least 2 weeks before the bigdate. If you are catalog shopping, best start 3 weeks before to allow for shipping and any backorders.

Start Small
Make sure your gift is appropriate for the season. If you have been dating less than 6 months youprobably don't want to spend your whole life savings. By starting off to big, you are going to letyour mate down with every gift in the future unless the gift itself is bigger and better. So unlessyou plan on increasing carat size every six months, we stay stick away from the diamond necklace for a while!

There Are Bad Gifts
But you already knew that and that's why you are here. It's pretty simple, stay away from the following gifts:
·Chia Pet·"You're #1" anything
·Popcorn tins·Word-A-Day Calendar
·Fruitcake·Sega DreamCast
·Ab Roller·Cathy Mug
*They may be cute, but it's way too much responsibility to throw on someone

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