No matter what you are looking for, when it comes to dating, we have you covered! We are your complete dating resource from pick-up to break-up... So sit back and explore the all new DatingFun.com!
Are you secretly a poet? Well, don't be shy enter this poetry contest. Good luck!
It's late and you're in the mood to get some? Check out our Booty Call Agreement and make sure everything is clear up front...it's a booty call not a date!!
Flowers? Check. Wine? Check. Make sure you've got everything you need for the big date... Check out our Dating Supplies and we'll get you ready for tonight!
In need of a date? Be sure to check out our section on the different matchmaking online dating services. Find out which match maker service is right for you.
Got some questions when it comes to dating? Have no fears! With Dating Advice from Dr. Drew, Tommy Habeeb, host of the TV show "Eye For An Eye," and more, we can help you with most any problem!
Got a big date planned? Cousin getting married? Well, make sure that it doesn't interfere with any important sporting event and check out our Date Free Days Calendar to plan your life around...
DatingFun.com is your one stop for everything dating related, so tell us what you think of us and be sure to let us know when we are missing something! Good luck and remember, Dating is Fun!
We found a new cool site you might like - Condoms Review - They review all the condoms and have price comparison guide as well. If you're going to have sex, BE SAFE!
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